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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  December 10, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PST

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good morning and welcome to "cnn this morning." i'm amara walker. >> good morning, amara. i'm boris sanchez. we have seen an outpouring of grief in qatar as the world learns the sudden death of grant wahl with who collapsed. flu, rsv and covid combined push hospitals to capacity. a rare bipartisan law gets through congress protecting enter racial and same-sex marriages. good morning, everyone.
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welcome to "cnn this morning." it is saturday, december 10th. if you haven't done your christmas shopping like i have not, it's time to get it under way. hi, boris. how about you? >> the clock is ticking. i feel a little bit under pressure. some stuff has not been purchased. but we will get online in a few moments when we have an hour break when some more con issue comes on, we will crank out some shopping. prominent journalist grant wahl, a beloved ambassador for soccer, has passed away while covering the tournament. wednesdays say he collapsed during the match between between argentina and the netherlands. he fell ill in the press area and received immediate medical treatment that continued as he was rushed to hospital. >> at this time we still don't know the exact cause of his death. just a few weeks ago, wahl made
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headlines after being detained and refused entry to a world cup match because he was wearing a rainbow t-shirt. he spoke to cnn about how exciting the atmosphere was in qatar. >> and you really felt this was a classic world cup atmosphere, which is why i always tell everybody at some point in your life go to a world cup. even if you're not a huge soccer fan, it feels like you're in the center of the universe. >> dr. celine is a former cnn contributor served on the biden/harris covid-19 advisory board. she said i am so thankful for my husband grant wahl's soccer family. i am in complete shock. amanda davis joins us from doha.
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tell us what we know about grant wahl's death. shock is how it captures how people in the sports world are feeling. >> reporter: yeah. good morning, amara. shock, devastation. still a lot of people here on the ground in doha trying to comprehend what has happened. i was one of the members last night. and i have to say completely unaware of what was happening. grant was there. we saw him tweeting about the game as it played out. his final tweet as it turns out, a very grant-esque message after that incredible late, late dutch equalizer that took the game into extra time. we knew he had been unwell really since arriving here in
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doha three or so weeks ago. he had been talking with suffering with tightness in his chest, chest pains. he had gone to the medical pains. he believed he was suffering from bronchitis and was given antibiotics for that. midway through extra time last night he fell ill and collapsed. this is keir's take on how he saw it play out. >> i was sitting near from where grant was. and this was towards the end of extra time. closing up to my left started shouting for medical assistance. because the chairs were free-standing, people were able to move the chairs so it was
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possibly to create a little bit of space around him. and they had to send a medical team. this is an 80,000 capacity stadium. the medical team were there pretty quickly and were able to, as they should, give treatment. and it was, i suppose, they were there working with him 20, 25 minutes before he was removed to hospital. >> he was accompanied to hospital by a couple of other longstanding members of the press community. sadly, the news emerged overnight that he didn't make it. you only have to look at the tributes being made, a giant of the press community. fearless. fierce. here's somebody who fought the good fight for football, for women's soccer, members of the
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lgbtq. the growth, the attention on the game today is in large part. a lot of people will miss that flat cap in the press box around the world. >> yeah. champion for the game and for human rights as well. amanda davies, thank you so much. shifting our focus to politics in the nation's capital right now it is crunch time. lawmakers are scrambling to pass government funding at a massive defense spending bill. the house approved the bill and it heads to the senate next. lawmakers may have to pass a temporary continuing resolution, a cr, to to avoid a government shutdown. >> jasmine wright joining us this morning. hi, jasmine. so what is the president saying to congress? >> reporter: let's get this done. that is the president's message.
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the president and the folks that work in the building behind me know very well this could be the last time they are fully funded as the house is set to flip to rings come january, making discussions even harder for the white house. the president wants to see covid funding, disaster relief, all things imbedded within this government funding bill. of course the official line from the white house is there's still time. they have until friday to get this done. boris, as you know, these kind of deals happen in the last minutes. but of course they want to see this happening, which is why the white house has privately tried to pressure congress to move along, hurry the process up so they can get something on the books before it is done. yesterday here at the white house they previewed a bit of what the white house is doing here. take a listen.
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>> yeah. and the white house passed the $858 billion defense spending bill. now it goes to the senate, right? is the president prepared to sign the bill, jasmine? >> reporter: we tkpoepb yet. the white house doesn't say whether or not if the president w will. the president and secretary of defense lloyd austin do not agree with it. it is seen as a republican win as they said they wouldn't going along with it without including this provision. it is something that could be harmful and is not in line. there are other things they must pass. the military covid mandate. visa provisions to boost taiwan
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military. this needs to get about made into law by the end of the year. it made it past the house. it would go to the president's desk where he has a decisions to make here. like i said, this is a must-pass bill that needs to make it into law. boris. am are. >> jasmine wright, great to see you. thank you so much. >> as we consider what is coming in the coming weeks, the houses passed the landmark respect for marriage act. the bill requires fell recognition of same-sex and enter racial marriages. they forwarded it to president biden to be 150eu7d into law. >> at last we have history in the making. but not only are we on the right side of history, we're on the right side of the future. ex expanding freedom in america. >> today the long but in ex rabl
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march takes a very important step forward. >> with us is cherries davids of kansas, the first open native american to congress. congresswoman, we're grateful to have you share part of your saturday morning for us. how does it know marriage equality will soon be enshrined in the constitution? >> i think the best word right now to describe it is relief. i think when it comes to having your family recognized and treated equally under the law, you know, we saw a supreme court justice call a decisions into question, it immediately became not a hypothetical but a very real possibility. and i think that came this piece
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of legislation across the finish line in a bipartisan way, it's a relief. of course i was proud to be part of the house legislative team that introduced the bill to make sure lbgtq plus families feel respected and are treated equally. >> congresswoman, you noted the by patterson nature of this bill passing. but you were the only member of your ate's congressional to support the bill. one of your kansas colleagues, jake turner, said this bill raises serious concerns for religious liberty and paves the way for relimbous organizations to lose their tax-exempt status, for them to be sued over their lev's. i'm warneding what is your response to that? >> well, i think that, you know, or whether it can also to specifically this piece of legislation or protections for
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lbgtq plus folks, i -- you know, i think it's really important for people to keep in mind our communities, the lbgtq plugs communities want to be eighted with respect, dignity and equally just like everybody else. that is not counter to or mutually exclusive to folks practicing their faith. and i think that -- i do think we addressed some of those. or those issues have been addressed. baldwin and susan collins made sure to get the support necessary on the senate sight. that's where the true holdup was originally. i think those concerns were addressed in the legislation. but,en you know, i do think as
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we continue to make progress on these issues i hope my colleagues in open favor of this bill will start to come on board. >> congresswoman, as you know well, the lbgtq plus neighborhood is often the target of violence and hate. what other steps do you think congress needs to take to protect 9 rights of that community? >> yeah. i think that , you know, one of the most important things that we can do is of course continue to pass pieces of legislation like the respect for marriage act, the equality act is probably the single most important piece of education we would be able to -- that i hope we can pass, especially knowing the house has passed that bill a couple of times. i had the chance to vote on it a couple of times. and that at the end of the day we still live -- lgbtq plus
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folks live in a situation where you could be turned away from health care, housing, education simply because you're part of this community. and it's really, really important not just for folks right now but for our young people to see that you should be treated with dignity and respect. >> while we have you, congresswoman, i want to ask you about funding the government. less than a week to go to avoid a partial shutdown. democrats are reportedly releasing their funding plan on monday. no republican buy-in thus far. do you think this is the right move? >> well, i mean, i got the chance to hear you all earlier. this is a must -- in addition to some of the other must-pass pieces of legislation, keeping the government funded is absolutely something we need to do. and my hope is that my
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republican colleagues will recognize this is not about partisan politics. this is about making sure that the american people have the government we all deserve. i was sworn in 2019, two of the longest government shutdown in history. i do not want to see that happen again. i hope all of us can come together and make that happen. it is not good for our country. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure that doesn't happen. >> quickly, congresswoman, i want to bring attention to something happening just outside your district. there is an oil spill there. 14,000 barrels from the keystone pipeline spilled into a creek in washington county kansas it caused a shutdown of the entire system. how is this impacting people in
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your state? >> of course i'm going to continue to monitor what's going on. we are making sure to stay in contact with folks who are impacted. and i have always said we have to make sure -- and this is something on the transportation and infrastructure committee that i have thought about, focused on, talking to my colleagues about, making sure when it comes to these kinds of pipelines, we need to make sure they're kept up to date, that we don't see incidences like this happening. i'm going to continue to monitor the situation and stay in contact with the folks being impacted right now. >> thank you so much for the time. congratulations on the bill passing. >> thank you so much. have a good day. >> you too. interest rates are headed higher as the federal reserve
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keeps up its effort to tame inflation. the fed meets this coming week, its last meeting of the year. and cnn chief business correspondent christine romans has a preview. >> reporter: amara and boris, a big week is in store for the u.s. kphae, the final medicine 34eg of the year. they are expected to raise rates one more time before the new year. so far they have raised it six times this year. inflation running at a 40-year high. still issue number one for the fed and consumers. gas prices down 50%, so bucks less to fill up an suv, for example. adobe analytics show online prices fell in november. wholesale numbers rose 7.4% from a year earlier, down from 8.1%
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in october. jerome powell indicated smaller interest rates may be on the horizon. christine, thank you. up next, intriguing new details about how brittany griner was treated inside a russian prison. we're going to discuss the risks of cutting deals to free americans detained abroad. plus, speaking of russia, the president may formally change his policy of not being the first country to use nuclear weapons in a conflict. and soldiers coming back wounded from the front lines. we'll take you there when we come back.
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for the first time in almost 300 days, wnba star brittany griner wakes up in the united states after being held in a russian prison. she is undergoing a routine medical evaluation in texas. and in a new cnn op-ed, my next guest warns griner's exchange, quote, underlines an emerging trend of hostile states holding americans to gain leverage over the u.s. government. good morning to you, peter. thanks so much for getting up to saerl. first off, tell us about this trend. how concerning is it and is there anything the u.s. can do about it? >> thank you for having me on. the bright any griner case is bringing this issue to a lot of
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americans. if you travel to russia, iran, venezuela, there is a possibility you i may get picked up. we used to think of them being taken by isis or al qaeda. brittany griner was brought in on a drug charge. the russian government doesn't wake up and have a good day saying we're going to release somebody. they will want something in exchange and they will drive a hard bar ban. you believe this price is worth paying even though there's been a lot of criticism around this
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swap saying this just increases the bounty on americans's heads. >> well, there is that risk. if you're going to go on vacation in russia, you need to be cognizant this is an issue. the duty of the american government is to protect americans. trevor reed was swapped for a russian drug dealer earlier this year. an american contractor held by the traf began was swapped for an afghan drug dealer. several americans were held in venezuela. it's a tough decision. can you allow somebody to rot in a russian penal colony?
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no. while difficult, i think they are necessary. >> paul whelan, a lot of talk about him as he's been in a russian labor camp since december of 2018. his family also spoke out saying they are obviously happy to hear griner is released but definite is stated paul whelan was left behind. >> i don't understand why i'm still sitting here. i'm greatly disappointed that more has not been done to secure my release. as the four-year anniversary of my arrest is coming up, i was arrested for a crime that never occurred. they have always considered me to be at a higher level than other criminals of my sort. and for whatever reason, i'm treated differently than another individual here from a western
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country also under charge of espionage. >> it sounds like he is being treated differently, right? we did learn that russia wanted a russian spy who has been serving a life sentence for murder in germany in exchange for paul whelan. is his case different? is there a steeper price to get him back? how difficult will it be to bring him home. >> well, vladimir putin is not in the business of cutting an easy deal. they wanted this russian spy back who committed a murder in broad daylight in berlin in 2019. so the german government was not going to release him. that said, the fact that these negotiations were successful does suggest there will be other negotiations. despite the war in ukraine. there's clearly an open channel. there's a team at the state department and white house that
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works on the issues 24/7, takes them seriously. i think there's hope. what the deal will be, i don't know. the russians made a deal. they have made other deals for another deal, former marine trevor reed. i'm hoping this will be resolved soon. >> and the biden administration repeatedly said they have not forgotten about paul whelan and they continue to negotiate his release. lastly, before we let you go, peter, saudi arabia, along with the uae, was part of this prisoner exchange in terms of mediating it. the fact that man was involved, it solidifies this as saudi
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arabia being part of the world stage. even though he was considered a pariah for the killing of jamal khashoggi. >> president biden called it a pariah state. he was involved in this griner released, reportedly. he hosted this huge event in saudi arabia with leaders from all around the world, khrurg xi, who is dependent on oil. the sovereign immunity was invoked. he made himself a prime minister. he no longer faces charges in that case in khashoggi's murder. >> we'll leave it there. appreciate your time. have a good one. >> thank you. the united states is seeing a surge in flu cases after thanksgiving.
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we'll tell you what this could mean after the rest of the holiday season. we'll be right back. respect tha. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you l love, plus the powerful cough relilief you need. mind if i root through yoyour trash? robitussin. the ononly brand with real honeyand elderberry. ♪ it's s a lovely day today ♪ ♪ so whatever you've got to do ♪ ♪ you've got a lovely day to do it in, that's true ♪ [ chuckling ] ♪ and hope whatever you've got to do ♪ ♪ is something that... ♪ [ music stops ] [ beeping ] cars built with safety in mind, even for those guys. the volkswagen atlas with standard front assist. ♪ ♪ when they're sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. wherever they rest protection nothing kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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new data from the cdc says more than a third of hospitalizations and deaths due to flu this season were reported just last week in the wake of thanksgiving travel. >> cnn's health reporter jacqueline howard brings us up to speed on the very latest. >> reporter: flu activity remains high across the country right now. and here are the latest numbers. so far due to the flu 13 million people have been sick. 120,000 hospitalized. more than 7,000 deaths from flu have been reported. and 21 of those have been in children. according to the cdc, all but seven states are experiencing
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high or very high levels of respiratory virus activity right now. in new york city, health officials issued an advisory saying everyone should wear masks when indoors in public, even if you have gotten your flu shot or had flu before. you should wash your hands, stay home when sick, and getting upto date on your vaccinations. hospitals in the united states are the fullest they have been since tracking began at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic. about 80% of beds are in use nati nationwide. chris wallace sat down with dr. fauci and asked if the lockdowns worked. >> could we have been less restrictive about closing down the economy and focused, if not from the very start earlier on
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on the elderly. >> in the absence of vac tphaeubgz, that would have been difficult to do. right now that you have the ability to vaccinate people you can actually clearly be much more liberal and open in what we are doing, which is where we are right now. in the beginning it was like a tsunami that you needed to shut off quickly. >> you can watch the full interview on this week's episode of "who's traug to chris wallace." it airs tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. another warning from russian president vladimir putin. he's floating the possibility of exchanges strategies when it comes to using nukes. we'll explain in just moments. you can be the difference.
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strike. we don't. there are no secrets here. what is a response to a strike? it is a response aimed at us, a response. so if we talk about this preemptive disarming strike, maybe we should adopt that, their ideas of keeping ourselves safe. we are thinking about it. >> all of this comes days after putin warned about the increasing threat of nuclear war. president biden have noted moscow has been warned for using a nuclear weapon. >> joining us now is cnn senior international correspondent sam kiley in kyiv. sam, you've had an up-close look at the aftermath of the fighting for these ukrainian soldiers. >> reporter: yeah. it's very interesting seeing vladimir putin talk about doctrinal changes of a nuclear weapon, the doomsday scenario.
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on the ground there is something much more second world war in a battle for stalingrad in the town of bakhmut. this is the ukrainians losing and suffering very catastrophic injuries. brain surgery in tandem. wounded on the same day on the same front. the focused of those overpracticed neurosurgeons. the windows are taped to slow flying glass. the effort is intense to repair braves, to save lives, future dreams. they would have little idea where to start their delicate work if they didn't have use of
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this ct scanner. it can pinpoint damage, find what it's done. and it gives surgeons a plan of action. he says, yes, and unfortunately there is no left eye. there is a suspicion of damage to the right eye as well. but definitely no left eye. this is the fourth patient we have seen in the space of about an hour come in for a ct scan. it is doing 15 or 20 a day. they are actually doing 70 or 80. it is wearing out. the hospital can't afford a new one. but a used one is for sale in the west of ukraine. cost 120,000 bucks. the price of losing this one, in cal cuae hrabl. he shows signs of acute brain injury. he needs urgent surgery.
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the administrators here have raise about $60,000. they need help with the rest. this is the only ct scanner in a vast region. critical, this machine is critical. ct is critical to provide appropriate care for patients with both head winds and acute brain injuries. >> reporter: is it saving lives? >> definitely. 100%. there's been a steady flow of soldiers injured in bakhmut. that is the scene of the heaviest fighting. this is a hospital that is trying to deal really with an area they say 300 square kilometers. a lot at war. >> some soldiers are lucky. they shot mortars. my kphpbder was lucky. he sat in front of me and i sat
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behind him. he was unhurt, and i got hit in the leg. yeah, we have seen wounded and dead before. if i'm sitting here, i'm lucky in. ukrainians on this eastern front call it the meat grinder. jack was alongside duck when they were hit. >> how would you describe the battle for bakhmut? >> reporter: he says world war i. mud, trenches, artillery trench warfare. that's it. world war ii or ii. just like that. something like that. the difference is that modern weapons are now more powerful. modern surgery often the only route to survival. and, and old-fashioned grit. boris and amara, the fighting around bakhmut on the front 800
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miles, 1200 kilometers long, is intense, the most intense of the entire front line. it's not the only one. the key is here where the russians strike next. >> a remarkable reporting as always. sam saoeuly,s thank you. in just a few days, the world will get the second installment of the harry and meghan series on netflix. millions have tuned into the first episodes. a look at the wide-ranging reactions next. new retinol overnight means the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for your wholele body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector didiminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. chchampion your skin. my most important kitchen tool? my brainin. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators
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who has been watching, have you, boris? >> no. >> i haven't tuned in just yet but i will. harry & meghan take on britain's
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tabloid media in the first three episodes of their new netflix docuseries. >> and harry specifically compared meghan's experience to that of his mother, diana. >> as far as a lot of the family were concerned, everything that she was being put through, they had been put through as well so it was almost like a rite of passage. some of the members of the family were like, right, but my wife had to go through that so why should your girlfriend be treated any differently? why should you get any special treatment? why should she be protected? and i said the difference here is the race element. >> the second installment comes next week but the response from britain has been mixed. >> reporter: well, the first installment of meghan's series didn't cause the shock or drama as expected. he accused them of unconscious bias and didn't do enough to
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support meghan but frankly that was nothing new. so on an official visit, the king gave no comment on the netflix series. he met hollywood stars and new owners of the football club, ryan reynolds and bob mcelhany. it's possible they'll break their new no comment position next week if new allegations are made or specific family members are mentioned. accredited members of the palace's traveling press pool to covers royal engagements. prince harry called it an extended pr arm of the royal family. but it was focused on on what was perceived as a direct hit on the late queen's legacy. the daily mail said palace anger at assault on the queen's legacy. much attention to this given to
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the treatment of the commonwealth in this series which one guest described as a privileged club of formerly colonized nations. it appears minds haven't really been changed. supporters of team sussex still are. those horrified by their actions are frankly more horrified and there may be a growing camp of people fed up with the coverage altogether. that was exemplified by the front page of the mirror, stop the royal circus which talks about how there's also a cost of living crisis that people perhaps are more focused on. well, it's not ending any time soon. there are three more episodes to come next week and prince harry's memoir, titled "spare" early next year. anna stewart, cnn, london. in this week's new episode of "this is life" with lisa ling, she explores how serious mental illness is affecting her home city of los angeles. >> people get back to you with an eta.
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>> what's this called that's just come in? >> a female is acting irate. >> is she screaming and yelling? >> the family is concerned she'll jump out of the window. >> one of the teams is already en route. lieutenant breeze and i follow close behind. >> is there kind of a formula for what happens when you arrive on scene? >> so usually the m.e.t. team will talk to family and everybody involved, do the assessment on this female, try to figure out what's going on, and then just take it from there. >> rolling onto the scene, it's immediately clear we're in the right place. >> wow. catch an all-new episode of "this is life" tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. right here on cnn. back after this.
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